“Gracious acceptance is an art - an art which most never bother to cultivate.... Accepting another person's gift is allowing him to express his feelings for you.”

Moore Family Tree 2014 2014 is almost finished. What a year it has been! Never in my wildest imagination could I have known what this year would hold for me. My dad has been sick, and well, and sick again-and is finally headed towards peace about his new health challenges. My son graduated high school and began college. My daughter started driving and continues to evolve as a remarkable human being and lovely young woman. My husband and I celebrated our marriage, put in a pool, and I am more madly in love with him today than I was when we met. I grew closer with my brother-which I did not even think was possible-and learned to embrace family far and near. I lost my grandmother and through celebrating her life found joy in the small things with my sister, our boys and my mom. I have deepened friendships and begun new ones. Professionally I have had the opportunity to grow and participate in so much, I am overwhelmed. My life has been fi...