Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.

This was kind of a big week for us. It was Spring Break! It was only three days long because of all the snow (which I don't ever like, but I am at peace with now). My son got a new job--it is kind of a big deal because it is his first real official, punch a time clock, follow a schedule kind of job. I am very proud of him! My daughter also passed her driving permit test, which was super exciting because this might not have been her first try, (heck, it might not have been her second try), but what really matters is it was her SUCCESSFUL try! Holy macaroni my girl will be driving! I cannot make any comments about what type of driver she will be because I myself am not the most skilled at this particular task. Therefore, her father will guide her in this arena and I will worry and pray and listen to them both recount whatever countless adventures I am certain lay ahead of us. Olivia and her permit! Monday morning my mom sent me a text...