“We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.”

Its Thanksgiving weekend! Since my blog is about things I cherish, if you have read it at all, you know that I certainly cherish the big ones: family, friends, my awesome job and my many, many, ridiculously plentiful blessings I am surrounded by. I have read so many awesome blog posts about thankfulness. Yesterday, Black Friday (which I refuse to shop during, but I am shopping today during Small Business Saturday), I went to a class at a place called Barre3. It is a different kind of workout from my favorite workout (boxing); it is a ballet, yoga, bar, crazy experience. I kind of love it, and look forward to challenging myself to some extra sessions on days when I don't box. Friday morning, I didn't really want to get up. I had almost talked myself into believing if I didn't go to class I would run later that afternoon (I am not very good at self motivation in that regard), but I knew my friend Kim would be there, so at 8:00, I got my fanny in ...