
Showing posts from January, 2015

" I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but to EMBRACE IT!"

Embrace [em-breys]  verb (used with object), embraced, embracing. 1. to take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosom; hug. 2. to take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly: to embrace an idea. 3. to avail oneself of: to embrace an opportunity. 4. to adopt (a profession, a religion, etc.): to embrace Buddhism. 5. to take in with the eye or the mind. 6. to encircle; surround; enclose. 7. to include or contain 2015 is going to be an awesome year! I know because my word for the year is “EMBRACE.”  I thought a lot about why I needed to choose this word.  It seems almost anti-climactic coming out of 2014, a year that held so much growth, hurt, triumph, joy and celebration.  Although I am always ready to ring in a new year, 2014 was so paradoxical in that I couldn’t wait to be rid of it and I wanted to cling to it.  Clinging to it might mean I could cling to my young-adult son who lived at home and needed me every day and discovering the jo...

2014: A Year I will forever CHERISH

CHERISH: [ cher -ish] verb (used with object) 1. to hold or treat as dear; feel love for: to cherish one's native land. 2. to care for tenderly; nurture: to cherish a child. 3. to cling fondly or inveterately to: to cherish a memory   Last Christmas break, I was up early, watching the Today show-like I love to do over breaks, and I saw a man talking about New Year's resolutions.  I love New Year's resolutions.  I am a frequent maker, breaker, and reflector of resolutions.  However, this man had a different idea, and one that I found intriguing. Instead of choosing a resolution or 20, how about focusing on one word?  Choose one word and focus on that word over the course of one year.  I loved this idea!  I decided I would try it for myself and share it with my students.  I agonized over my word choice.  I chose the word "Cherish."  I dedicated myself to focusing on this word, inclu...