
Showing posts from March, 2015

For my students: Embrace the NOW

It's another snow day today.  I am not sure how I feel about it because it seems as if winter is demanding one last hoorah after letting us off the hook for much of this winter.  I am trying to embrace it and waiting for my daughter to come down the stairs so we can go do something silly.  One of my favorite things to do on a snow day is to go through the numbers on my phone, and send texts to people who I haven't talked to in a while, just simple little notes to let them know why they are so important to me.  I figure it takes about a minute to do and maybe someone might need a little reminder of why they matter to someone. If you have never done this, you really should!  It is actually as much for me as for the person I am texting.  As I was sending a few messages yesterday, I realized that my first batch of junior students are preparing to graduate college this year.  I still am in touch with many of these students.  They were my first victims....