
Showing posts from 2018

“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.” MLK

Tuesday, Feb 14 in the afternoon, during my 7th hour class, a student looked up and said, “Mrs. Moore, something has happened in Florida.”  I  thanked him for the update, refocused the class, and we moved on, working on our research projects.  As soon as the bell rang, I met with some students regarding their college interviews and we practiced questions.  During these sessions we had heart-to-heart discussions about how senior year is wonderful and horrible.  We talked about how it is never what we think it's going to be.  We talked about the idealism of the year versus the actuality of the year.  There were tears and laughter.  As I headed to my car, I felt really great about my day, and I was authentically excited about my lessons for the next day. On the way home, I turned on NPR (because I’m an English teacher and I don’t want to disappoint your stereotypical view of me--I also wear funky patterned dresses, carry a huge bag, wear my hair in...