"Every strike gets me closer to my next home run."

I freaking love baseball! I love watching it on television (which almost never happens until the World Series, and then it is so late I become not very nice), listening to it on the radio (yep, if you pass me in my car and I am animatedly discussing something with no one, you know what's going on), but the very best of all is being there. I love walking up to the ball park and seeing all the people in their sports attire. I love the food in the ballpark--the Crackerjacks and the Kettle Corn and those almonds covered in sugar are my favorites. I love that it is in spring so you are never sure what the weather will be. I love that perfect green and brown of the field. I love that in baseball there is time for the fans and friends to wander in between innings, or discuss with their neighbor something either about the game or something totally random--and this is acceptable and expected behavior. But, mostly I love the game. I love that at any moment; someone ...