In order to find joy, we must embrace the challenge

HOORAY! It's my favorite time of the year. I love New Year's Day, and this entire season-more than any other part of the year (not weather related of course). New Year's Day is my most favorite holiday of all of them. It's because it's not about anything other than giving yourself permission to attempt to be better. New Year's is time to acknowledge your blessings and truly reflect on your goals. My family traditions include sitting around all day and watching Netflix (I'm pushing for an all Gilmore Girls extravaganza of awesomeness-we are on the final season, and I hate it, but I will push on). We will have a toast in our ONLY NEW YEARS ONLY fancy champagne flutes we got as a wedding gift, I will make black-eyed peas with ham and green vegetables with bacon and cornbread in a cast iron skillet, and we talk and laugh and love each other. I freaking love this holiday! As you may know if you read my blog, three years ago I stopped making resolut...