The Times-They are a Changing
Monday is one of my favorite days of the year-the first day of school. I am strange in the fact that I actually love change. It's probably why my favorite days are New Year's Day, Graduation, and the First Day of School (and my birthday-October 28 if you want to go ahead and start planning now). While at one point in my life, I feared change, it is now something I tend to embrace, given the fact that almost overwhelmingly in my life, change has led me to something absolutely wonderful.
I have, like a kid who cannot wait for Christmas morning, peaked at my new class list. Holy macaroni, once again, someone decided I deserve to work with young people who are so remarkable I can only shake my head and continue to live the way I am-reaping the blessings I don't deserve but will continue to be thankful for every single day. Each year I cajole some of my 11th graders into taking the leap into my Advanced Placement course, and this year I have more students I will get teach for two years than ever before. Last night, at open house, I was a crazy woman, hugging and screaming and celebrating what I know is going to be an amazing adventure.
But the difference for me this year, is that one of my most favorite human beings on the planet-my beautiful daughter-will be a student in my school. I am so bowled over by how much I love her; I am crying tears of joy right now thinking about how incredibly thankful and humbled I am to be her mom! Not only will my most favorite sophomore be in the house, but she has some of the most remarkable friends who I cherish and love and cannot wait to hug on Monday and yell and celebrate and laugh and cry and grow up and learn with. Teaching has been my passion and my heart since I started this journey, but something about this feels new and exciting and scary and wonderful.
To my remarkable daughter, you have always been so generous with my time. I know when you walk into HBHS, you know that I love all of those Wildcats who have my heart, but I especially love those 150 souls I have been blessed to find on my class lists. Since you have have been in the third grade, you have shared me with some of the most amazing people I have gotten to love. Know, always and forever, I love you best.
Because I love you best, I will be sure you do not receive any special privileges as a teacher's kid. Your schedule will be random, just like every other person in our building. Don't get me wrong, I have totally talked to your teachers. Just like all of the amazing people I work with, I believe in them. I know they are experts and they love kids and they are excellent at what they do. Your math teacher seems super cool, and your English teacher is my friend. She has the heart of a warrior; I have never heard of anyone who loved kids more and taught more fiercely than this beautiful woman. I don't know who your science teacher is yet, but I know those people and I trust them to help you see the world in a new and amazing way. Your history teacher changed your brother's life. The classes you have chosen as electives--rock on sweet, creative, genius. These teachers will honor your voice and help you find a reason you want to show up at school every single day. Your advisory teacher is (this is no exaggeration) one of my heroes and will help you become an honest and empathetic human. I know you will always have a champion who will always love you. You can tell her things you can't tell me, and as a teenager, you will need this. You may need to tell her about me, and that's okay, because we will face tough times as you figure out what it means to be a young adult, and I promise she will love you and honor your secrets and I will be thankful to know you are safe and loved.
To the amazing people teaching my kiddo-you do you! I trust you. Thank you for being on my team. I know, as a mama, I will see the world, and my daughter, through a different lens. The girl I know is not the young woman you are educating. I celebrate the fact that she may need to fail. You holding her accountable may hurt my heart and my strengthen my child. Please help me remember, when I falter, that she deserves the opportunity to become her own person. Thank you for your passion and dedication to all 150 of the amazing souls you are going to change this year. I am delighted my daughter is among them.
To the parents of the children I am humbled to serve, including the moms of my daughter's friends, I cannot express how grateful I am for you entrusting your child's education to me. I am one seven teachers your child will have, and my team is awesome.We will work as hard as we can for your child. I will do every single thing I can to be my very best ALWAYS for your child. I will make choices to teach them in ways I know (because I am professional) will help them become a productive, thoughtful, citizen in our crazy world. I will dedicate my life, for the next ten months, to helping them find their voice. I will give tough love, and I will challenge them and hold them accountable. After that is over, when they walk out of my room, I will cry for those I could not save. I will have bad days some times, and I will rely on you to understand that as much as I wish it wasn't true, I make a lot of mistakes. Learning itself is often the byproduct of trial and error. Your child and I are learning together and it's messy and non-linear and fun and frustrating and I am determined, every single day, we will learn something. I appreciate grace and support. We are a team, and the price of victory is the highest it can be.
Today, my principal said something I will never forget. He said, "We don't have to do this. We chose to do this." I am so excited for Monday. Change is happening, and it is exactly what it should be-scary and daunting and necessary for life to progress and become even more beautiful. Best wishes dear friends.
I have, like a kid who cannot wait for Christmas morning, peaked at my new class list. Holy macaroni, once again, someone decided I deserve to work with young people who are so remarkable I can only shake my head and continue to live the way I am-reaping the blessings I don't deserve but will continue to be thankful for every single day. Each year I cajole some of my 11th graders into taking the leap into my Advanced Placement course, and this year I have more students I will get teach for two years than ever before. Last night, at open house, I was a crazy woman, hugging and screaming and celebrating what I know is going to be an amazing adventure.
But the difference for me this year, is that one of my most favorite human beings on the planet-my beautiful daughter-will be a student in my school. I am so bowled over by how much I love her; I am crying tears of joy right now thinking about how incredibly thankful and humbled I am to be her mom! Not only will my most favorite sophomore be in the house, but she has some of the most remarkable friends who I cherish and love and cannot wait to hug on Monday and yell and celebrate and laugh and cry and grow up and learn with. Teaching has been my passion and my heart since I started this journey, but something about this feels new and exciting and scary and wonderful.
To my remarkable daughter, you have always been so generous with my time. I know when you walk into HBHS, you know that I love all of those Wildcats who have my heart, but I especially love those 150 souls I have been blessed to find on my class lists. Since you have have been in the third grade, you have shared me with some of the most amazing people I have gotten to love. Know, always and forever, I love you best.
Because I love you best, I will be sure you do not receive any special privileges as a teacher's kid. Your schedule will be random, just like every other person in our building. Don't get me wrong, I have totally talked to your teachers. Just like all of the amazing people I work with, I believe in them. I know they are experts and they love kids and they are excellent at what they do. Your math teacher seems super cool, and your English teacher is my friend. She has the heart of a warrior; I have never heard of anyone who loved kids more and taught more fiercely than this beautiful woman. I don't know who your science teacher is yet, but I know those people and I trust them to help you see the world in a new and amazing way. Your history teacher changed your brother's life. The classes you have chosen as electives--rock on sweet, creative, genius. These teachers will honor your voice and help you find a reason you want to show up at school every single day. Your advisory teacher is (this is no exaggeration) one of my heroes and will help you become an honest and empathetic human. I know you will always have a champion who will always love you. You can tell her things you can't tell me, and as a teenager, you will need this. You may need to tell her about me, and that's okay, because we will face tough times as you figure out what it means to be a young adult, and I promise she will love you and honor your secrets and I will be thankful to know you are safe and loved.
To the amazing people teaching my kiddo-you do you! I trust you. Thank you for being on my team. I know, as a mama, I will see the world, and my daughter, through a different lens. The girl I know is not the young woman you are educating. I celebrate the fact that she may need to fail. You holding her accountable may hurt my heart and my strengthen my child. Please help me remember, when I falter, that she deserves the opportunity to become her own person. Thank you for your passion and dedication to all 150 of the amazing souls you are going to change this year. I am delighted my daughter is among them.
To the parents of the children I am humbled to serve, including the moms of my daughter's friends, I cannot express how grateful I am for you entrusting your child's education to me. I am one seven teachers your child will have, and my team is awesome.We will work as hard as we can for your child. I will do every single thing I can to be my very best ALWAYS for your child. I will make choices to teach them in ways I know (because I am professional) will help them become a productive, thoughtful, citizen in our crazy world. I will dedicate my life, for the next ten months, to helping them find their voice. I will give tough love, and I will challenge them and hold them accountable. After that is over, when they walk out of my room, I will cry for those I could not save. I will have bad days some times, and I will rely on you to understand that as much as I wish it wasn't true, I make a lot of mistakes. Learning itself is often the byproduct of trial and error. Your child and I are learning together and it's messy and non-linear and fun and frustrating and I am determined, every single day, we will learn something. I appreciate grace and support. We are a team, and the price of victory is the highest it can be.
Today, my principal said something I will never forget. He said, "We don't have to do this. We chose to do this." I am so excited for Monday. Change is happening, and it is exactly what it should be-scary and daunting and necessary for life to progress and become even more beautiful. Best wishes dear friends.
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