“ The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. ”

My students who won my"Breakfast of Champions" competition As a high school student, I never played sports. My mom loved sports, and my grandpa, who I loved dearly and who passed away MUCH, MUCH too young, was an amazing baseball coach, but as for me, my lack of coordination and self-confidence ended any aspirations either of them may have had for my sports career. I avoided anything that might have put my coordination dysfunction on display for all those to see. However, there is one thing that stayed with me from my peewee softball days. One distinct memory I have of my grandpa is seeing him at the ballpark or football field or basketball court. He would be in a constant state of motion, pacing, cussing, gnashing, urging with his whole being—willing his team to accomplish their very best. My grandpa LOVED to compete. And let me tell you, that trait must be gene...